Sunday, November 16, 2008

Assignment 6- powerpoint presentation

In this assignment, we will need to discuss and analyse on two posters, 1 good and 1 bad based on the design principles that are applied in the design of the posters. This includes the choice of colours, layout and the gestalt principles.

It is important that posters follow such principles in order for the posters to work effectively, or to even capture the attention of its intended audience.

Good Poster:

Figure and Ground
• Size: Enlarged figure placed in the center.
• Contrast: Figure stands out from the white background.
• Details: Details mainly on the figure. Clean design.
Proximity and similarity
• Similarity: The 2 blue-colored rectangular textboxes.
• Proximity: To be read as a single sentence.

Bad poster:

Figure and ground
• Size: big image in the centre of poster
• Contrast: wordings “Big Bad Mama” does not stand out from the background and image
• Details: too many details in poster. Makes it confusing and messy.
Proximity and similarity
• Similarity: no similarity. Both images do not link together.
• Proximity: not found in poster. Continuity and closure
• Continuity: both images are broken up. No continuity.
• Closure: not obvious in the poster.
• Colour: use of colours is messy.
In general
• No unity , disturbing
• Not balanced
• Too many details
• Poster is messy
• Too many colours used
• Images used not related to intended message
• Main message “Big Bad Mama” not clearly shown (blend into the background)

after this assignment, it is amazing to find out how such principles when applied incorrectly or when not applied will result in undesired consequences.

Assignment 5- greeting card

Theme: Christmas

i have decided to use "Joyeux Noel" which means merry christmas in french, instead of the usual Merry Christmas. This is because the main focus of this design assignment is the play around with the colour palette.

i have kept the design as simple as possible, to bring out the contrast in colours more effectively.

heres the 15 samples of different background colour:

heres the final greeting card:

I have chosen this version out of the 15 because i felt that the black, dark blue, blue series are too common colour for christmas. and the rest of the samples do not really bring out the joyous mood of this festival.

The final sample uses purple as its background colour, which isnt conventional, but yet is able to emit that christmas feel. =)

i felt that i faced a dilema when i started choosing the final greeting card background colour. its difficult to determine whether to keep it to the conventional style or to maybe try new colours.