Monday, September 15, 2008

assignment 2-abstraction/pictogram

For this assignment, we are supposed to come up with 5 abstractions, out of which choose one as the final sign to depict an object/activity/place/event in NUS.

i have chosen the school bazaar/fleamart held at the forum or foyer rather frequently, and do an abstraction based on that.

there are many challenges met during the process of abstraction, take for example, how to make the final sign show and tells others what I actually want to depict.

below are the abstractions:







the final one that i chose is:

as i think this is the most simplified version that can depict a bazaar in NUS clearly.

assignment 3-visual story

it is difficult to tell a story without using any form of text and therefore this adds challenge to the assignment.

Firstly, the twist to a story was hard to think of, so for my assignment, i took ideas from an incident that happen recently, which got all of us to really have a good laugh, while doing all the cooking for a meal.

so the story goes...

title of story: MILO!


#2 water corner =)




#6 hmm too foamy?

#7 weird

#8 OH MY! 7 up?!?!

however, i felt that this story doesnt have much of a twist, so i am going to improve for it. =)

heres the improved version of the story =)

the story goes like this:

felt that this story has a better twist in the end..when it looks like hes going to drink the drink..but instead, its actualli a mask.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

comments on 3 peers =)

After all the presentations in class.

i shall first make a comment on nadia's design. i especially like the way nadia presented her designs as it really brings out her unique style of drawing. On the overall, nadia's design has clearly shown her loves and her hates clearly, and thus design is very nicely integrated, her choice of colour was also suitable for the two themes. for the love, nadia's love is playgrounds and her design has brought out her loves for playground very well by using smiley faces. The colours used are bright and vibrant, therefore also bringing out the happiness and her loves. As for her hates, i feel that the usage of colours can be further improved. The clarity of the message too. =)

next, for yiting's design, i will suggest she change the colour of the insecticdie so as to match the rest of the colour scheme. Also, for the hate theme, the clarity of the name can be further improved. On the overall, i felt that yiting's design has included many details. =)

lastly, for poh's design, for the loves theme, i will suggest that the letters of her name, make out using shoelaces, be shown more distinctly. the spaces between each letter can be more in order to separate each letter. For the hate theme, i will suggest that the letter P's design to be made more integrated into the design. Overall, i felt that the usage of colour was nice. =)

assignment 1 (final)

Finally the final design! =)

for the love part, i have used various sleeping positions to make out the letters in my name by using the body of the figures. At the same time, sleeping expressions were also included on the figures to show that they are enjoying their sleep, so as to further portray my love for sleeping. Also, ZZ sign have been included to further enhance the sleepy feel throughout the whole design.
for the hate part, i have improved on my design, by including more spiders throughout the design so as to enhance my hate/fear for the spiders. facial expression of shock and horror have been included when the body curls and shu away from the crawling spiders. The curls of the body are used to make out the letters in my name.

The below are the final designs:

My love: my name is jeslyn, and i love to sleep!

my hates: my name is jeslyn, and i hate spiders!

i have used mainly adobe photoshop for the designing of the final piece. I have met with some challenges while using the programme.

I have chosen a dark background for the first design, as it brings out the sleepy feeling. as for the second design, a white background is chosen to brings out the details that i have in the second design.

however, after further comments from my peers and tutor, we realised the similarity between both designs. Therefore, some changes were made to the "love" part.

I have decided to make use of the things associated with sleeping such as bolsters,pillows to make out the letters in my name.

so heres the design:

as for the hate part, i have made some improvement on it. =)

assignment 1 (thumbnails and sketches)

When i first got the assignment topic, it was hard for me to decide on my hates or loves, especially when theres so many things that i love. but ultimately, i came to a decision.

my love: sleeping.
my hate: spiders!

this assignment requires me to design my name according to the hates and loves that i have. it is especially hard to make sure that my name and the topic is clearly integrated. One topic such as sleeping, can be linked to various things, such as pigs, ZZ sign, sleeping positions, and so on. so it was this that makes it difficult to decide on which element to use and put into the design. The problem of making my name clear, but at the same time, including such details into the design, makes the whole design process espeically challenging.

after much sketches, i came up with 8 thumbnails, 4 for my hates, and 4 for my loves.

the left column: my name is jeslyn, and i love sleeping
the right column: my name is jeslyn, and i hate spiders
comments given by peers: for the hates, my 4 designs do not really integrate well, especially the 2nd design which i have chosen for my final piece. The use of only one spider web does not bring out my fear for spiders throughout the whole design. Therefore, suggestions such as putting the spider web in the centre, or including spiders throughout the design have been made. I have made necessary changes according to the comments given.
after the thumbnails, we are supposed to choose two designs to further improve on it. and the below are the 4 designs out of the 8 thumbnails:

my name is jeslyn, and i hate spiders
my name is jeslyn, and i love sleeping.
the preliminary round of designing includes making necessary, decisive decisions, to settle on one topic, and to relate the topic to various elements. it is also interesting to see how integration and clarity makes a piece of design stands out and be unique and special.