Monday, September 15, 2008

assignment 3-visual story

it is difficult to tell a story without using any form of text and therefore this adds challenge to the assignment.

Firstly, the twist to a story was hard to think of, so for my assignment, i took ideas from an incident that happen recently, which got all of us to really have a good laugh, while doing all the cooking for a meal.

so the story goes...

title of story: MILO!


#2 water corner =)




#6 hmm too foamy?

#7 weird

#8 OH MY! 7 up?!?!

however, i felt that this story doesnt have much of a twist, so i am going to improve for it. =)

heres the improved version of the story =)

the story goes like this:

felt that this story has a better twist in the end..when it looks like hes going to drink the drink..but instead, its actualli a mask.


Alfred Low said...

Okay for the twist bit, man use mixture as face mask?

Alfred Low said...

In addition, show that he is about to drink it but then he use it as face mask?

danglinghopes said...

okie thanks mr low =)