Thursday, September 4, 2008

assignment 1 (thumbnails and sketches)

When i first got the assignment topic, it was hard for me to decide on my hates or loves, especially when theres so many things that i love. but ultimately, i came to a decision.

my love: sleeping.
my hate: spiders!

this assignment requires me to design my name according to the hates and loves that i have. it is especially hard to make sure that my name and the topic is clearly integrated. One topic such as sleeping, can be linked to various things, such as pigs, ZZ sign, sleeping positions, and so on. so it was this that makes it difficult to decide on which element to use and put into the design. The problem of making my name clear, but at the same time, including such details into the design, makes the whole design process espeically challenging.

after much sketches, i came up with 8 thumbnails, 4 for my hates, and 4 for my loves.

the left column: my name is jeslyn, and i love sleeping
the right column: my name is jeslyn, and i hate spiders
comments given by peers: for the hates, my 4 designs do not really integrate well, especially the 2nd design which i have chosen for my final piece. The use of only one spider web does not bring out my fear for spiders throughout the whole design. Therefore, suggestions such as putting the spider web in the centre, or including spiders throughout the design have been made. I have made necessary changes according to the comments given.
after the thumbnails, we are supposed to choose two designs to further improve on it. and the below are the 4 designs out of the 8 thumbnails:

my name is jeslyn, and i hate spiders
my name is jeslyn, and i love sleeping.
the preliminary round of designing includes making necessary, decisive decisions, to settle on one topic, and to relate the topic to various elements. it is also interesting to see how integration and clarity makes a piece of design stands out and be unique and special.


Anonymous said...

Simple as this assignment may seem, I actually found it difficult to spell out what I love and hate. I was just telling my friend that it is so easy for us to identify what others love and hate. For ourselves however, we are so ignorant of our own loves and hates. Ironic ey? Haha:p

Anyways, I really like your
'spiders' graphics! I'm refering to the sketch where the letters to ur name are the body curves of stick man! The facial expressions and body language (it was as if the bodies were trying to 'siam' the spiders!) really let me feel the hate u have for spiders! hehe:p

GREAT INTEGRATION + DIFFERENTIATION (of letters such that your name stands out)!!! =D

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, I am Huang Jianwei from your tutorial class:) Just in case u were wondering who's this weird person commenting on ur blog.. haha:p