Thursday, September 4, 2008

assignment 1 (final)

Finally the final design! =)

for the love part, i have used various sleeping positions to make out the letters in my name by using the body of the figures. At the same time, sleeping expressions were also included on the figures to show that they are enjoying their sleep, so as to further portray my love for sleeping. Also, ZZ sign have been included to further enhance the sleepy feel throughout the whole design.
for the hate part, i have improved on my design, by including more spiders throughout the design so as to enhance my hate/fear for the spiders. facial expression of shock and horror have been included when the body curls and shu away from the crawling spiders. The curls of the body are used to make out the letters in my name.

The below are the final designs:

My love: my name is jeslyn, and i love to sleep!

my hates: my name is jeslyn, and i hate spiders!

i have used mainly adobe photoshop for the designing of the final piece. I have met with some challenges while using the programme.

I have chosen a dark background for the first design, as it brings out the sleepy feeling. as for the second design, a white background is chosen to brings out the details that i have in the second design.

however, after further comments from my peers and tutor, we realised the similarity between both designs. Therefore, some changes were made to the "love" part.

I have decided to make use of the things associated with sleeping such as bolsters,pillows to make out the letters in my name.

so heres the design:

as for the hate part, i have made some improvement on it. =)

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